How to Secretly Make Money

How to Secretly Make Money: 17 Secrets to Financial Success

How to Secretly Make Money:

In this article, I will share 17 money secrets that can help you make your first million. These secrets have been tried and tested, and they have the potential to transform your financial situation dramatically. These strategies are not about cutting back on your daily coffee or simply investing in a 401(k). They are for those who are serious about making their first million and then turning that million into many more. So, grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive into it.

1. Money is a Never-Ending Game

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The first secret is to understand that money is a never-ending game. Many people look at a million dollars and think their lives would be completely transformed if they reached that milestone. While it’s true that having a million dollars can significantly improve your quality of life, it’s essential to realize that the pursuit of money doesn’t stop there. When you reach your first million, you won’t be satisfied for long. The drive to accumulate more wealth will continue, and you must accept that this is a continuous journey.

Thinking that money is a destination can lead to discontent and even depression. People who believe that a specific amount of money will make them permanently happy often find themselves disappointed. Instead, approach money as an ongoing game where the goal is not to reach an endpoint but to keep playing and improving your financial situation. By understanding that the pursuit of money is endless, you can maintain your motivation and sanity, knowing that financial contentment is a dynamic state rather than a static one.

2. Learn When to Say, “I Don’t Have the Appetite for That Right Now”

Another critical secret to financial success is learning when to say, “I don’t have the appetite for that right now.” This principle involves recognizing that not all opportunities are right for you at every stage of your career or life. Understanding your current capacity and readiness to take on certain challenges is vital.

For instance, when starting my career, I had opportunities to venture into industries that required substantial initial investments and a high level of expertise. However, I chose to pass on those opportunities because I knew I wasn’t ready for them at that time. By acknowledging my limits and focusing on more suitable ventures, I could grow my financial resources and skills progressively.

It’s essential to evaluate your appetite for risk and commitment honestly. If you take on more than you can handle, you may end up failing and losing your investment. On the other hand, waiting until you are ready can lead to greater success in the long run. This approach allows you to build a solid foundation and gradually move on to bigger and more challenging opportunities.

3. See It in Person

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One powerful way to shift your financial reality is to see wealth and success in person. This concept goes beyond just seeing luxury items or wealthy individuals online; it involves experiencing these elements in real life. Instead of spending money on regular, everyday indulgences like Starbucks coffee, consider visiting upscale places like fancy hotel lobbies or high-end restaurants. The cost difference might be minimal, but the experience can be transformative.

Being in environments where wealth is evident can profoundly impact your mindset. Observing how wealthy people behave, dress, and interact can help you internalize that achieving significant financial success is possible. It can expand your vision of what you can accomplish and motivate you to strive for more. This exposure helps you break free from limiting beliefs about money and success, enabling you to set higher financial goals and work towards them more confidently.

4. Aim to Make Money Fast but Build Wealth Slowly

The fourth secret is to aim to make money quickly while building wealth slowly. While there is no true “get rich quick” scheme, there are ways to accelerate your income generation. Identifying high-value opportunities and leveraging your skills effectively can help you earn money faster. However, it’s crucial to understand that building sustainable wealth takes time.

Becoming rich quickly often involves finding niches or industries where you can maximize your earnings in a short period. However, wealth accumulation is a gradual process that requires patience and long-term planning. True wealth is built through consistent effort, wise investments, and learning valuable financial lessons over the years. By focusing on making money quickly and building wealth slowly, you can achieve both immediate financial gains and long-term security.

5. Ignore Money Advice from the Financially Illiterate

To make significant financial progress, you must learn to ignore money advice from the financially illiterate. Many well-meaning people in your life may offer financial advice, but not all of them are equipped to guide you effectively. It’s essential to discern whose advice you take seriously and whose you disregard.

Financial literacy is not determined by someone’s background, education, or status. It’s about understanding how money works, how to manage it effectively, and how to make informed financial decisions. People who lack this knowledge, even if they have your best interests at heart, may unintentionally lead you astray. Instead, seek guidance from those who have demonstrated financial success and understand the intricacies of money management.

6. Money is Energy, and Energy Can Never Stay Stagnant

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Understanding that money is energy and that energy must flow is crucial for financial success. Money should not be hoarded out of fear or scarcity. Instead, it should be circulated and invested wisely to generate more wealth. Hoarding money can lead to stagnation and prevent the flow of new opportunities and resources into your life.

Money needs to move to grow. This doesn’t mean you should spend recklessly, but rather that you should invest in opportunities that have the potential to yield returns. Whether it’s investing in stocks, real estate, or your own business, putting money to work can help it grow. This flow of money as energy ensures that you remain engaged in the financial game and continue to build your wealth over time.

7. Build Your Peace of Mind Fund

One of the most valuable financial strategies is to build a peace of mind fund. This fund acts as a safety net, providing you with financial security and stability. It allows you to take calculated risks in your career or business without the constant fear of financial ruin. Knowing that you have a fallback fund can significantly reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

A peace of mind fund is not just about having money in the bank; it’s about having the confidence to pursue ambitious goals and take bold steps. It allows you to focus on growth and opportunities rather than constantly worrying about financial emergencies. Over time, as your income increases, you can expand this fund, providing even greater security and freedom in your financial decisions.

8. Money is an Identity

Money is more than just a medium of exchange; it’s an identity. Your beliefs about money and what you deserve play a significant role in your financial success. If you see yourself as someone who is not worthy or deserving of wealth, it will affect your actions and decisions. Conversely, if you believe that you deserve financial success, you will take the necessary steps to achieve it.

Your identity shapes your financial reality. It’s crucial to cultivate a mindset that aligns with wealth and abundance. This involves changing limiting beliefs about money and embracing a positive and proactive attitude towards financial growth. By adopting a wealthy identity, you can attract more opportunities and resources into your life, ultimately leading to greater financial success.

9. Your Reputation Can Never Be Re-Bought

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One of the most valuable assets you have is your reputation. In the pursuit of financial success, it’s essential to act with integrity and maintain a good reputation. Once tarnished, a reputation is challenging, if not impossible, to restore. Therefore, always consider the long-term impact of your actions on your reputation.

In business and personal relationships, trust and credibility are paramount. Engaging in dishonest or unethical practices may yield short-term gains but can have devastating long-term consequences. By prioritizing your reputation and conducting yourself honorably, you can build lasting success and maintain the respect of those around you.

10. Ask the Hard Questions

Before entering any business or financial relationship, it’s crucial to ask the hard questions. These are the uncomfortable but necessary inquiries that can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the line. Whether it’s a business partnership, investment opportunity, or hiring decision, understanding the full scope of the situation is essential.

Ask about potential risks, conflicts, and scenarios that could arise. Discuss expectations, responsibilities, and contingency plans. By addressing these questions upfront, you can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Transparency and thoroughness in these discussions can help establish clear and mutually beneficial agreements.

11. One Man’s Opportunity is Another Man’s Downfall

Not all opportunities are created equal, and what may be a golden opportunity for one person could be a disastrous decision for another. It’s essential to assess opportunities based on your unique circumstances, strengths, and risk tolerance. Understanding your personal and professional context will help you identify which opportunities are right for you.

Different opportunities come with varying levels of risk, stress, and demands. Some may align perfectly with your skills and goals, while others may be too challenging or unsuitable for your current situation. By carefully evaluating each opportunity, you can make choices that maximize your potential for success and minimize the likelihood of setbacks.

12. Money Flows Where Attention Goes

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Where you focus your attention, money is likely to follow. This principle highlights the importance of directing your time, energy, and resources towards activities that generate financial returns. Being mindful of where you invest your attention can significantly impact your financial outcomes.

Avoid distractions that do not contribute to your financial goals. For example, excessive time spent on non-productive activities, like playing video games or watching TV, can detract from your ability to pursue wealth-building opportunities. Instead, channel your focus into endeavors that enhance your skills, increase your knowledge, and create income streams. By doing so, you can ensure that your efforts are aligned with your financial aspirations.

13. Assess the Impact of Your Purchases

Before making significant purchases, consider the impact on your financial stability and emotional well-being. If a purchase would cause undue stress or regret in the event of loss or damage, it’s a clear sign that you should reconsider. Only buy items that you can afford to lose without compromising your financial security or peace of mind.

This principle is especially relevant when considering luxury items, investments, or significant expenses. By maintaining a practical and cautious approach to spending, you can ensure that your financial decisions support long-term stability rather than jeopardizing it. This mindset helps you avoid buyer’s remorse and maintain a healthy financial balance.

14. Constraints Breed Creativity

Resource constraints can be a powerful catalyst for creativity and innovation. When faced with limited resources, you are forced to think outside the box and develop unique solutions to challenges. Embracing constraints rather than viewing them as obstacles can lead to breakthroughs and competitive advantages.

Constraints encourage you to prioritize and focus on what truly matters. They can drive efficiency and ingenuity, pushing you to find ways to achieve more with less. This mindset is particularly valuable in business and entrepreneurship, where resourcefulness and adaptability are key to success. By leveraging constraints, you can unlock new opportunities and drive growth in unexpected ways.

15. Velocity of Money Increases with Experience

As you gain experience and build your financial acumen, the velocity of your money increases. The first $100,000 or million may be the hardest to earn, but subsequent millions often come more easily. This phenomenon is due to the cumulative effect of knowledge, skills, and networks that you develop over time.

With each financial milestone, you become more adept at identifying profitable opportunities, managing risks, and leveraging your resources. This accelerated growth is a result of the compounding benefits of experience and expertise. Understanding this principle can keep you motivated during the initial stages of your financial journey, knowing that the effort you invest will pay off exponentially in the future.

16. Moving Money is Easier Than Earning It

Understanding that moving money is easier than earning it can change your approach to financial management. While earning money requires effort, skill, and often significant time investment, spending or allocating money can happen quickly and effortlessly. This principle underscores the importance of mindful spending and strategic investment.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of overspending or making impulsive financial decisions. However, by being intentional about how you move your money, you can ensure that each dollar works towards building your wealth. This involves budgeting, investing wisely, and avoiding unnecessary expenditures. By prioritizing long-term financial growth over short-term gratification, you can create a sustainable path to wealth.

17. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

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The final secret to making money and achieving financial success is continuous learning and adaptation. The financial landscape is constantly evolving, with new opportunities, technologies, and market dynamics emerging regularly. Staying informed and adaptable is crucial for maintaining and growing your wealth.

Invest in your financial education by reading books, attending seminars, and following industry trends. Embrace new technologies and strategies that can enhance your financial management and investment capabilities. By remaining open to learning and adapting to changes, you can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


Making your first million and achieving financial success requires a combination of mindset, strategy, and continuous effort. By understanding and applying these 17 secrets, you can navigate the complexities of wealth-building and create a sustainable path to financial independence. Remember that the journey to financial success is ongoing and dynamic. Embrace the process, stay focused on your goals, and remain committed to your growth. With dedication and the right approach, you can achieve your financial aspirations and enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

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